Alert Replica ( antares.model.alert.AlertReplica )

class antares.model.alert.AlertReplica(parent, astro_id=None, init_from_db=False, replica_id=None, replica_num=None)

Bases: antares.model.alert.CameraAlert

Represents an alert replica. It is a sub-class of CameraAlert. Beyond contexts available for CameraAlert, an alert replica is also associated with AO, AR, ES, LA, and PS context objects. Replica is initialized with its associated astro object (optional).

Param:parent(antares.alert.CameraAlert): parent of the alert replica.
Param:astr_id(int): ID of the associated astro object (optional).
Param:init_from_db(boolean): indicate if the replica is initialized from Database (optional).
Param:replica_id(int): ID of the alert replica (unique among all replicas).
Param:replica_num(int): Number of the alert replica (unique among all replicas that share the same parent).

Attributes Summary

AR AR (Alert Replica) context object.
AO AO (Astro Object) context object.
ES ES (Extended Source) context object.
PS PS (Point Source) context object.

Methods Summary

divert(annotation) Divert the alert replica.
mark_as_rare(annotation) Mark the alert as a rare alert.
createReplica() Create a replica of the current alert replica.
commit() Commit the alert replica to Locus-aggregated Alerts DB.

Attributes Documentation

AR = None

AR (Alert Replica) context object. AR properties are only accessible during per-replica processing.

AO = None

AO (Astro Object) context object. AO properties are available if AR.HasAstroObject = True.

ES = None

ES (Extended Source) context object. ES properties are available only if AO.kind = "extended source".

PS = None

PS (Point Source) context object. PS properties are available only if AO.kind = "point source".


Methods Documentation


Divert the alert replica.

Parameters:annotation (string) – a short description of why the alert replica is diverted.

Mark the alert as a rare alert.

Parameters:annotation (string) – a short description of why the alert is rare.

Create a replica of the current alert replica.


Commit the alert replica to Locus-aggregated Alerts DB.
